Monday, June 8, 2009

Movin' on up! Elvis and Priscilla

I feel like I should be singing that song from the Jeffersons' TV show... "Well, we're movin' on up... to the big time..."... smile...

This morning we tried combining several of the new lessons - lapping from a bowl, experiencing baby food chicken mixed in with the puppy formula and goats milk, not being held to nurse, etc...

Surprisingly, it actually went well... At four weeks, a dog mom would start to wean her pups and their milk teeth are coming in now, so it was time... But MESSY~!! Oh bother~!! Were they ever messy~!! Geezie, peezie~!!

Thankfully, I put down a blankee first that I could readily pick up afterwards, so it could have been much worse... As usual, Elvis was the first one there and willing to try something new, but Priscilla doesn't like to be left out of anything her brother is involved in... So she was right behind him as soon as she heard his lapping...

They are now doing that almost cooing sound of a full belly and drifting off to sleep...

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