Sunday, April 27, 2014

Update on SnuSnu... (aka Rescue Juice 102)

Time for that magic dose of Rescue Juice that keeps us rescuers going... The moments that tug at our heart strings and regenerates us to keep on fighting the valiant fight for No-Kill in our county... We took an old timer named SnuSnu and having seen our vet, opted to find him a long term foster instead of euthanizing him... So I put out a special plea... 

A kind-hearted Sim Valley resident, Cindi, stepped up and offered to foster SnuSnu... This morning, she came into the rescue shop at Simi Valley Town Center before we opened and met SnuSnu in person... 

The TLC volunteers on shift all have been gushing about the unbelievable interaction between SnuSnu and Cindi this morning... 

And these are folks that have a LOT of hands on experience with dogs... Volunteers who have seen a ton of human interactions and the exchange between dogs and unfamiliar humans they have just met...   

SnuSnu absolutely MELTED into Cindi - the first time we have seen that since we pulled him out of Camarillo shelter... SnuSnu absolutely curled into her body and was truly happy, happy, happy!

THIS is the stuff 'Rescue Juice' is made of... When we save a dog's life and see we made the right decision...

Thank you, Cindi, for opening up your heart and home for this precious little guy!

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