Cubby is a 12 week old puppy found in some one's driveway off a freeway in Bakersfield. T.L.C. was contacted to see if we could foster this little gal and of course we said yes!
She is a playful little pup full of energy and love. I have been putting her in a crate at night to sleep and she usually sleeps the whole night. She will wake up in the early morning hours but usually I will feed her and back to bed she goes! She is a typical puppy that loves to eat, sleep, and play, all in that order.
She resembles Chi mix but has short legs with a long body and the face of a little polar bear cub. (hence the name Cubby)And after she eats her little tummy expands sideways..like a donkey :) She has a healthy appetite and plays with her toys and her foster sister Isabella. She likes to wrestle with Isabella and bite my toes so you better watch out for your feet if she gets next to them!

She will just about sleep anywhere she is whether it be under the table or on your feet. If she is tired she will plop down and to bed she goes. She does cry when she has to be put into a x-pen so a nice little playmate would be good for her. But as long as she's is out and about with Lucy and Isabella she doesn't cry at all. Cubby just wants to be around people and doggies! Too cute!
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