A week after surgery, Jayda went back into Dr. Novy's to have her bandage changed and they tell me it looks really good underneath there... She had a week of complete bed rest with limited mobility, and so far, so good...
They tell me the leg is starting to turn inwards, so next week they might have to add a splint to force the leg to heal correctly... Eventually we expect a 2nd surgery to break the adhesions that formed around her kneecap while the leg was broken and not attended to, but for now?... We're not buying trouble ahead of time and taking it one day at a time!
Although Jayda is only allowed to walk around once I carry her out to the backyard to go potty, but she's a sunbather like most Chihuahuas, so the other day I thought to myself, "Why not let her lay in the sun here for just a few?"... She sunbathed and started falling asleep in the warm sun until she heard the snap of the camera shutter...

And then we both got hot, so it was time to pick her up and carry her back inside, but I am POSITIVE she REALLY enjoyed the extra little pleasure!

She's getting all kinds of goodies plus her meds, so I am feeling really positive all is going well in the healing process... Her pups are still doing well and will be four weeks old on July 26th! Hurrah!... Amazingly though, none of them are black like Jayda is!
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