There's good news and there is bad news in regard to Jayda's leg... The good news first... The leg is savable... The thigh bone is broken midway down - the top half has slipped forward and the bottom half connected to the knee bone has folded towards her back end... Unless the bone is brought back together again at the break, reinforced with a plate and pinned, Jayda will eventually lose all use of the leg and it will need to be amputated...
The surgeon's opinion is that there was an automobile collision and then very shortly thereafter she was dumped at the shelter - either by a 'Good Samaritan' type that saw the accident or by the owner who didn't want to deal with the injury (or couldn't)... She sat in the shelter with a broken leg, and then two days later delivered her pups...
Well, that's the good news... The bad news is that the longer we wait to get it fixed, the lower her chances get that Jayda will regain any use of her leg... And the cost? Between $2,800 and $3,200... We've collected $170 in donations so far to save this leg... (sigh)...
I put up a page with Jayda's Xray and diagnosis on the website HERE and another with an update of the amount of donations given towards saving this leg HERE.
I'll tell you just how sweet this little girl is... Yesterday they didn't even have to give Jayda meds or sedate her to take the Xrays... The technicians were amazed, especially after seeing the Xrays, that they were able to stay still and lay there while they took the images! And it was a LONG way from our home to the surgeon's (about 50+ miles one way) - Jayda laid in the cushioney bed I placed aside of me on the seat... On the way back, she rested her head on my thigh and slept most of the way home...
Like I've said earlier, if this were a mean 'junkyard' dog that was snarling and nasty, I could understand how she was never treated for this broken leg... But NO ONE that has met Jayda can believe how sweet tempered she is, especially with all she's gone through so far...

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