Bingo is 10 months old and while his first pictures don't show it, this dog has SO much potential for us old die-hard Chi lovers... He's a bit underweight for his frame (6 pounds, 8 ounces) but has gone nutso over my home cookin' and extra goodies, so it won't take long for his spinal column to retreat back to where it belongs... Bingo could gain about 8 ounces and then he's be absolutely perfect, weight wise...
Depending on which side you see him from, he's one of those Chihuahuas you can enjoy just looking at (once good nutrition repairs the past few months of poor nutrition)... From the arrow on his forehead to the hearts of brown in his coat on the sides, it is very similar to laying in a meadow and looking up at the clouds - every time you sit and watch him, you see something else patterned in his coat you hadn't seen before...
His head has that 'pushed-in' heavy look that Pugs and Bulldogs have... His frame looks much heavier than he is and he's a throwback to the older generations of Chihuahuas... In fact, I suspect that when he was neutered earlier this week, they guesstimated on his weight and for hours later, he walked around like a drunken sailor! Poor guy! But the vet techs loved his name and said he really fit it well... They too were amazed how easily he is handled, for Chihuahuas have such a bad reputation now... sigh...
Bingo is SUPER sweet and has already found a spot on the couch at night, sitting and watching TV with my husband... He got along from the first moment he arrived here and is not dominant, aggressive or 'yappy'... He prefers to sleep curled up in a ball and if there's a blankee or cushy doggie bed around, he's THERE first! :)
I consistently enjoy the visual expressions he has as you can see from this one:

... for the one I manage to catch with the camera, there's at least nine more I didn't!
I don't have cats or small children to temperament test him with, but he's been sweet with the pups and not even curious about them... He's been kindly towards our 15-year old Chi who suffers from dementia... Bingo is curious about what is going on around him, plays with Chloe, Sunshine and Nacho now - engaging in at least several sessions of 'catch me if you can' in the backyard.
He'll make a great addition to another Chi lover's home and he's so young, he'll give you many long years of love and devotion!
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