The pups are completely weaned now and it was time to reconfigure their "digs"... We expanded their area enough to add a small kennel (door removed for now) so they get used to going in and out of one... I'm a BIG believer in Xpens, crates and kennel for training purposes... We live in wildfire evacuation areas, plus vets just hate it when you bring in your pooch and they sit in kennel and howl for dear life!... Trust me on this one!... Besides this, canines tend to be 'den' animals throughout their lives and need the added security of places they feel safe in and don't object to being in either...
So, with the new digs, Sofia and Mercedes are 'one-upping' each other as to who will be the 'queen of the hill' so to speak... :) ... Ebony's easy going about things like this, Dulce is always the first out of the gate to investigate new things, but Sofia and Mercedes?... They are the 'princesses' of the litter and want everyone else to know it too!... They want the highest spot on the blankee, the center of the pitty pad, the new toy first, etc...
I did manage to get Sofia to sit still for a second - or at least long enough to snap a quick photo of her... She looks SO much like her mother with the whisp of white on her lower chin and the white star on her chest... Bella is such a rich deep and dark, shiny black with a gloss to her coat, beautiful white teeth and such a sweetie in temperament... Of all the pups, Sofia looks the most like her mom and she will be such a jewel to her new family... If she has just 50% of the sweet temperament her mother has, she will be priceless for any family!
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