And now, sporting spring green with only the sedate charm that our little lady has, I present our Miss Ebony:

And our other reigning priceless princess in the pack is dear Mercedes, fashioning the latest in festive pink to match her cheery disposition!

And now allow me to present Ms. Sophia in vibrant red!... Ah, Sophia would you like to turn around and show the folks your newest adornment?... Can you drop the toys for just a second?

{{We interrupt the dogwalk presentation as a few of our contestants decide to engage in Chihuahua Puppy Takedown}}

Oh, sorry, Nacho... Didn't realize you were next in line...

And finally, our Dulce in her red collar with white doggie bones... Uh, Dulce... We love what you've done with your tail, but we really would like to see you look this way... Yes, I know... Your brindle 'tiger stripes' is your favorite side... (I need to remember these kinds of things for a girl always likes to present their best sides to the camera - don't want to get kicked out of the foster's union, ya know?

Well, folks... Hope you enjoyed today's 'dogwalk' and the new collars!
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