After her exhausting day with me yesterday and all the fun and excitement of the dog park, much of Daisy's nervous energy was drained. After a nice nap in the late afternoon, for the first time in 4 months she jumped up on the couch and sat next to me for attention! That is unheard of for Daisy! Relaxed and with her tail wagging, she looked at me waiting for me to pet her. Not only does Daisy not come to me voluntarily for affection, but she has a sore nerve in her back left leg that causes her to skip when she runs, so jumping on the couch is not her thing. She has gone up via the steps we put out for her, but NOT when PEOPLE are sitting on it! She has always preferred to watch the happenings from her comfy dog bed... So this was a treat for me to see and I rewarded her with a nice long belly rub for coming uncalled!
Daisy has seen 2 vets for her back leg and a specialist. The specialist has put her on a medication to reduce the swelling around the nerve hoping to improve the aggravation the nerve is causing her. We should know in a couple of weeks how much this medication works for her. The vet specialist told me she may improve greatly and the pain may go away or she may have aggravasion in her leg permanently. Like back pain for people, not much can be done, just managed, so we hope the medication works...
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