The puppies are now up and about in their Xpen 'playpen'... They roll around, tumble with each other, do running (stagger) play dives at their littermates and it is SO comical to watch!
They've started using the pitty pad and have become very good about it... I suspect they will be very easy to potty train down the road...
The hardest part right now is trying to anticipate when they will be hungry and then keep myself from wearing a majority of their dinner!... They have now learned the sound of the food processor that is grinding up the Royal Canin puppy kibble... As soon as I arrive with their prepared food dish, they rush to the front of the open door of the Xpen enclosure and I am covered with kisses and nuzzles from all of them...
As I put down the dish with their food at least one or two will step in it, then turn back to give me (and my hands, forearms, face, shirt...) more kisses... So by the time we've achieved the goal of putting down that food dish, I am usually covered in sweet puppy kisses interlaced with puppy formula, baby food chicken and ground up kibble!
Eating time is when I change their pitty pad, bedding and take out the toys, replacing them with new (clean) ones... They stay interested in the food dish for about five minutes and it gives me just enough time to get this done!... I am amazed at the interest in each new toy and only Ebony hangs back with their arrival... We keep rotating out brightly-covered toys in different sizes because the puppies have now entered the 'fear zone' as they call it... The period of time between 5 and 8 weeks that puppies normally develop natural fears towards things... The more exposure you can give them different things within their environment, the less likely they will be to grow into fearful adults down the road...
We also have been exposing them to sudden louder noises, along with my husband's voice, smell and touch, etc... This week I also had to trim back their nails (daggers) and I can almost see a look of appreciation in Bella's face now!... The puppies' tiny teeth have started to come in, so between those nails and their teeth, I myself cringe when she goes in to nurse them!
Each and every one of the pups sat patiently while I trimmed their nails - not one squirmed or wiggled on me... We've made a practice of stroking their feet when we hold them and this has already helped...

Dulce is no longer the largest one as the rest of the pack have now caught up with her... She is still strikingly a brindle with a beautiful coloring... Dulce practiced her puppy howl this week as she sat in a corner and cried, which turned into a howl for her mom... Bella kept circling, looking in but not jumping into their enclosure... Once Bella made sure Dulce was OK, I got the impression this was part of the unique things only a momma dog can give to their litter, and the care that puppymill puppies lose because they're taken from their mom about this time and shipped to petstores across the country...

Nacho is nothing but a ball of black fluff and he, along with Sofia, are DEFINITELY much more longer haired than the rest of the litter... His coat is like air and mink combined... It is very hard to describe how soft and tactile it is... It is like one of those pompom balls you can buy at a craft store without being wirey or bushy... He is definitely a looker and will make some furever owner very happy in the future!

Sofia will be the first one to climb out of the enclosure - or at least, that is who we are betting on... She's a sitter and observer - almost like she's watching to see how something works or what you are going to do... She's my daughter's favorite and I can see why... You can't pick her up that she is not going to shower you with puppy licks and kisses!

Ebony is a bit more shy than the rest of the litter... She is the one who likes to snuggle and cuddle the most in the litter... Although a bit shy, Ebony warms up rapidly, but she seems to prefer that others in her litter investigate things first, then she approaches... Once she has arrived however, she is clearly excited, happy, hungry, whatever... (smile)... She tends to rough-house more with her brother than her sisters right now... It is hard to tell who is who when they do their tumbles together!... Once they've arrived at the end of the tumble, they stand up, shake a bit and then hand out licks and kisses to each other... It's beyond precious to see!