Sunday, December 15, 2013

New feature - Notes from the Director's Chair...

We are going to add a new feature to our blog - "Notes from the Director's Chair" or "DC" for short... (we are big on acronyms in TLC!)... Nothing earth-shattering, but just 'down-home', 'back stage' kind of stories from our side of doing rescue... We hope you enjoy this new feature and start following our blog... It might help you to see what we go through to save dogs' lives!

One of the neatest things in rescue is to take a dog you know is going to die and then bring them up to 'adoptable' speed... Once they are at the rescue shop and waiting for their furever home person to come along, they can do the wackiest of things and we all grin and giggle when we see them...

Take for example - Rooney... Every time I see Rooney laying out like this, I gotta laugh... He lays with his back legs spread eagle and flat... Doesn't that hurt?... It must be his Poodle side that allows him to do this... 

He sorta/kinda reminds of my Bearded Dragon, Gerard, who is built like this and Mother Nature... But it still makes me wince when I look too hard at his hips!

And then you have the sad parts of doing rescue... The dogs that are so ill, you take weeks and weeks to get them healthy... We don't win all of the battles we face, but it is not for the lack of trying...

Right now we are battling the good fight with two young pups, KathyLea and TessaLea... You'd be amazed at how EXCITED you can get over a dog's solid poop, they're having the ability to stand up on their own or even eat on their own!... This is the energy-sapping part of rescue that wears us out... (and depletes our financial resources too!)...

But what do you do?... Give up?... No, that is not what we rescue folks are all about... You dig in, you find the time, money and strength to keep on saving lives... So that is today's glimpse into today's 'backstage view' of TLC!

As Always,
Linda, Director

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