Thursday, August 22, 2013

We can't do this without you!

We are in great need of volunteers - it takes over 300 volunteer hours to keep the rescue shop open 7 days a week for a total of 56 hours.  We specifically need shopkeepers and dog bathers.

Interested?  Fill out the volunteer application online HERE. 


Shopkeeper duties include:
  • Feeding and caring for the rescue dogs
  • Cleaning up after them
  • Rotating them out several times a day so they can exercise, eat and play with each other
  • Doing laundry - washing, drying and folding (we do a LOT of laundry each day!)
  • Observing them and/or entry level veterinary care (we will train you in this area)
  • Greeting the general public and/or showing them dogs they are interested in meeting and potentially adopting.
We ask our volunteers to be polite and respectful with those folks who come into the rescue shop, but because we are a storefront location in a highly traveled mall, we have our fair share of ignorant and/or rude people - if dealing with the general public is not something you feel comfortable doing, please let us know during orientation.  This is a physical and demanding job - you have to be highly committed to No-Kill.  TLC is a tightly knit small group of VERY dedicated volunteers.

While our volunteers have flexible hours and days, all volunteers are scheduled one week in advance.  We ask all volunteers to come in on time on the day and times they have signed up for.  Because of our set up, space and needs, we can't do 'I'll drop in when I have a few hours to spare' kind of volunteering.  The days and times can change and are flexible, but they need to be scheduled to provide for adequate coverage.

You will be trained and have an orientation prior to volunteering.  Wear old clothes and shoes - we have smocks to wear to protect yourself.

DOG BATHERS (aka "The Bathing Brigade")

The Bathing Brigadiers as they are known at TLC come in usually the same day each week after 1PM and bathe dogs for as long that day as your schedule allows.  We do not expect you to know how to bathe a dog - we will teach you.  We have professional groomers that come in specifically to groom.  All dogs are bathed at least once every 10 days.

The Brigadiers do extra cuddles with the rescue dogs and it is a great way to get your 'doggie fix' every week!

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