We've named them Amber, Angie, Barney and Bootsy... Each is as different as night to day (and then some!)... :)
Two are long hairs and two are short hairs (one in each gender)...
Amber is the smaller of the two long hairs and Bootsy is the largest pup in the litter of four...
Angie has a black herringbone coat and seems to be the quietest one in the bunch right now whereas Barney is the first to investigate and explore...
Not to say that Amber isn't curious, but it seems that Bootsy becomes most active when there is food present - then he's interested in what's going on! (smile)... He's the first to arrive at the food bowl and the last to leave!
Barney is the most comical to watch overall... We have an eight-legged octopus dog toy hanging from the side of the Xpen, and he sits and looks at that - almost as if he's trying to figure out can he use it somehow as a 'ladder'... Maybe I should have called him 'Jack' instead of Barney (i.e. Jack and the Beanstalk) but he sure does look like a Barney to me!
Interestingly enough, Barney and Angie tend to sleep together while Bootsy and Amber tend to cuddle up together... Of course, with shelter dogs you never know who the father is and there could be multiple fathers to every litter, but it sure is an interesting observation!
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