Chihuahuas are notorious sunbathers and last year we purchased a futon mattress and using a constructed wooden pallet for a base, created a sunbathing spot off the patio in the backyard... Almost every morning, they all love to go lay out, watch the things going on around them, listen to the sounds of the morning traffic and take in all the smells... This has become part of Bella's routine as well and she thoroughly enjoys the comfy pillows as she plays with the others...

This morning, there were a few 'critters' running up and down the trunk of the tree close by... I call them geekos, my hubby calls them lizards and my neighbor says they are alligator lizards... Whatever they are, they tend to run up the tree or the side of the house... Or across the block wall at the back of the yard... Once finding a warm spot, they do this 'push up' thingy and this fascinates the dogs as the dogs watch them...

Bella in particular believes she can catch them, but Max has already decided they are too fast for him!...

I'm not so sure she'd know what to do with one once she'd caught it, but it sure does fascinate her and she'll watch them INTENTLY for long stretches of time!
Bella is also our resident 'toy carrier'... Seldom failing to go by the toy box and pick up one before she heads out onto the patio or backyard, I must bring back 15 a day that I find out there!... Although she has now learned 'Drop it' for I don't want to chase her to collect them, she still enjoys going back into the house for another one while I'm collecting her morning's 'finds'...
Yep, once again she's the puppy she was before she accidentally got pregnant... It's nice to see her enjoying life again as only they can when not faced with the responsibilities of raising a litter...
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