Around here I practice the 'nothing in life is free' mantra, so cookies are handed out for following through on a command usually... The puppies have been chewing on toys and chew sticks for a few days, so I could tell they were breaking in some teeth... And thought I'd give it a try to see how it goes...
A beautiful day, I put two large Xpens together on the patio and having most of the space in the shade, I brought out a bag of cookies and settled in to watch (and make sure this experiment went OK)... My guys prefer those dehydrated chicken strips you can get in the big bags from Costco and I have to admit - they do smell divine!
Handing one to each of the three puppies, Sofia left hers at one end of the Xpen and then wanted one from either Ebony or Nacho - Sofia didn't care - she just wanted on of theirs!

Patience is not one of Sofia's strong suits... She wanted one and RIGHT NOW...

Barking and mock charging had no effect on either Nacho nor Ebony, for they continued to sit in a corner and chew on their cookie, totally ignoring Sofia's repeated requests to share! Even her pitiful cries failed to move them, nor did they give theirs up either!

Nacho and Ebony must have chewed on their cookies for a good ten minutes, paying absolutely no attention at all to Sofia's plight... And then Nacho made the mistake of getting up for a drink of water, leaving his cookie behind... It was just the opportunity Sofia was looking for, and she quickly stole his and moved to another corner of the Xpen...

Nacho on the other hand, found Sofia's original cookie on his way back from the drink and it turned out to be a full cookie without any pieces missing yet...

In the end, it all worked out well... Everyone was happy and Nacho got 'seconds' on the cookies too!
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