This little fella has traveled over 250 miles in two days with the networking of at least six different rescuers as we've unraveled his story... His name is "Squeeks" and was named by an animal control worker up north... Cute, but maybe not appropriate to his nature, we're leaving his name alone for now... :)
This little guy has been through enough...
Found in a rural agricultural part of Northern California, Squeeks ended up in a 'facility'... I'm told we should not call it an actual shelter... The one paid employee came on Wednesdays and Fridays to euthanize dogs when there was not enough room - otherwise, a few volunteers came into water and feed the dogs, then leave...
The 'Canine Great Escape' occurred and a few dogs got out - Squeeks and a few others - those that remained close enough to the facility as a food source hung out together in a neighboring orchard... Apparently Squeeks 'buddied up' with a few Pitbulls and somehow they all survived... Dogs are amazing creatures - every day of my life I am dumbfounded by their survival instincts...
Although Squeeks is about 5 pounds soaking wet, it was apparent that at least he and his two Pitty buds were inseparable... This bond actually did them all in, for when one Pitty was caught, that bond allowed all of them to be caught in time... A Pitbull rescue was called about the two Pits, but they then put out the call for help in saving Squeeks... Eventually TLC got contacted and we said we'd take him in as a rescue...

At first glance when he arrived, I thought he was an old dog from his coloring, but looking closer it doesn't appear that he is old at all, but in fact a young dog... I don't even think it is premature grey, but part of his coloring... Some parts of his coat are a deep copper color when the sunlight hits it (especially his chest), but at a passing glance, you'd say he's a black Chihuahua...
He was filthy when he arrived here yesterday, so once introductions with everyone were done through the safety of an Xpen, into the sink he went for a MUCH needed bath!... PHEUEE!!... Squeeks' coat, once washed, has that deep rich black gloss ot it (similar to Bella's, an already placed TLC dog, Nacho's mom)... Squeeks is definitely underweight, but surprisingly has a very silky coat, so he must have been deeply loved by someone before in his lifetime and has just gone through some recent very hard times... He acted like he hadn't eaten in quite some time yesterday, but we have to build his weight back up slowly right now...
Surprisingly, he is extraordinarily friendly to both humans and dogs alike... He's not submissive (as in prostrating himself when approached by another dog), but he doesn't have that usual lack of self-esteem either... He's an observer and spent most of the hour trip home yesterday on my lap, looking out the window... Squeeks is interested in what is going on around him, sometimes he joins in and at other times, he just wants to watch... Very relaxed attitude and personality for all that he has been through in his lifetime already... He has EXCELLENT canine manners, and handled my alpha without challenging her --- clear down to the baby, who he allowed to 'fake-charge' yesterday with the tolerance of a saint...
No wonder he had no problems hanging out with Pitties on the loose!
Squeeks has taken a particular liking to my husband already and sat most of last night on the couch with his head on my husband's thigh asleep...
I was told he's already done a few of those deep, deep sighs that come from their extremities and soul... Many rescue dogs do this eventually - almost as if they finally realize the craziness of their lives have ceased for now... There will be good food, peaceful surroundings and no one to hurt them again, so their heightened sense of alarm and alertness can take a break and relax back down to just being a normal dog... They do some really deep and sound sleeps once they get to this point, and it is (for us) a tell-tale sign that clues us into their eventual personality... A dog that cannot realize when the crisis is over, seldom moves onto furever homes without difficulty...
Today we get up-to-date on shots including rabies, plus we'll have him scanned for a microchip just to make sure, and if there is not one, then have one done as well as get licensed... Monday, a follow-up visit with my vet to check things out and see if she can put an exact age on him... By the looks of his teeth to my non-professional eye, I'm calling him 'young' for now, but will update his information if I hear otherwise... On Tuesday, Squeeks will be taken in to be neutered, but the males bounce back almost the same day from the procedure...
Sweet personality... I was afraid after hearing he'd been around fighting pitties, he'd been the bait dog, but I'm told by the rescuers before me that Squeeks was the alpha in the feral pack... Then expecting to have problems here with my pack and alpha because of his past history, it was a pleasure to see him integrate so well with everyone on the spot!
This morning I found him asleep on the couch, curled up and peaceful... When he heard me, he lifted his head and wagged his tail, sighed and then went back to sleep... A little while later, he got up and immediately went out to use the doggie door, then returned to see 'what was happening'... LOL... I suspect he is looking for my husband who is a late riser on the weekends... Stopped by the kibble bowl and then took a drink, checked out where everyone is sleeping and then hopped back up on the couch for the rest of the household to wake up... I was pleasantly surprised Squeeks appraised the situation and realized there was no reason to get up so early on a Sunday!