She's not aggressive, bad mannered or nasty... No training problems either - she has yet to have an accident in the house!... She follows me around the house on my left and maybe I should have named her "Shadow"... smile... Even sitting on your lap, she's serene and calm...
Despite being a bit bigger than what one would think of for a Chihuahua - she's about 8.5 pounds nursing her litter - her tail is now up and wagging whenever she sees you... She welcomes everyone home each day with a sweet heart and happy persona... She even helps me type things on the computer as you can see!

And she couldn't be a better momma if she tried!... Not aggressive with any of the other dogs here, she's trusting enough that she knows no one else has access to the Xpen and crate her brood is nesting in... Not that one of my dogs has attempted to get in there, but if she thinks anyone is showing 'too much interest' in her puppies, a short growl tells them she means business...
Otherwise, she checks in on them periodically but freely wonders around the house and backyard... Yesterday I caught her outside laying on the doggie pillows on the futon, stretched out and sunbathing, content as could be... How she heard a tiny puppy cry all the way inside the house is beyond me, but she did... And in she trotted, sitting by the Xpen door waiting to go inside...
Her puppies are getting fat and plump!... I can't believe how much they have grown in just a week! What a GREAT momma she is, sweet, sweet Bella!

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