This might not seem like a 'biggie' for some people, but with all the sick dogs I've tended in my lifetime... and the fosters... Bella possesses a sweet attribute that I wanted to mention... Every four hours (as long as she is feeding her puppies), I need to give her the calcium glucose (orally)... It's done with a syringe (no needle), but you still need to give it to her...
Bella never gives me a hard time about this... I call her, she comes wagging her tail... Sits down and I give her the meds... Not a problem - not an issue... No trying to sneak it into her food or a 'Pill Pocket'... I'm telling you - as many Chihuahuas and other breeds I have rescued and/or fostered, I have never seen such a sweet, loving, obliging dog so in tune with humans... If you've ever had a sick dog that doesn't want to take their meds, you can appreciate what I'm saying here...
What a sweetie!
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