Somehow, some way Momma managed to adopt me long before I adopted her... I did an outstanding job of keeping her at an arm's length from my heart and my love... Worried that she would be adopted and/or fall into the wrong kind of hands because of her size, look and appearance, I did not waste time once her puppies were weaning though - we started that same day on training...
But I do LOVE smart female dogs... There is some kind of justification in my warped way of thinking that appreciates any smart female - be it human or canine... Maybe it is because we of this gender still butt up against discrimination each and every day of our lives in some form or another...
Because Momma's puppies were born at my house, it was a very delicate and nerve-wracking experience... Not really because of Momma, but more so because I have a small, blind Chihuahua at home that could not get adopted... We also have a 2.5 pounder that has luxating patellas on all four legs --- walking about for him is like Ichabod Crane or some disjointed scarecrow... Just the 65 pounds plus of Momma's frame could easily cause a safety issue, so from the very start I kept Momma on a lead whenever she was around the little ones...
The more I trained Momma, the more she sucked it up like a kitchen sink sponge you wash dishes with... She'd quickly learn a new command with just a few attempts... And some she has learned so fast she now does them without a command (like 'pass through' which tells her to come from behind and pass through your legs... she does it unexpectedly to those folks she likes!)... If you are not prepared for her to do it, you end up riding her without a saddle! (smile)...

I can honestly say I love him ten times more now than I did when I married him almost 16 years ago...
Momma also falls into this very elite and small category in my life... Just like my Paul, I respected her first and then began to love her... Initially very little because I knew we could not adopt her and she (in my mind) would find a much better home if adopted... After all, I spend far too much time each week at the rescue shop, and any dog close to me would have to come into the shop every day, troop back home at the end of the night with me, etc... Not the way I would want any dog to live...
But as a trusted TLC volunteer told me during the tough deciding process that Momma would get 100 times more love with me and all of the TLC volunteers at the rescue shop than another place on Earth... Slowly, most of the TLC volunteers 'worked' on me, trying to convince me that adopting Momma would be a good thing for me, my family and also for the rescue...
As Momma started going up to the gate that separates the back from the front of the rescue shop and interacting with folks coming through, I watched her 'lick-lick-lick' kids' hands showing them that big dogs like her (and who look like her) aren't something they always need to be afraid of... And I began to question if she could not have an actual job - being an ambassador of these breeds with the general public...
Not to say that I don't spoil Momma... I do and I won't lie about it... But just as much as I spoil her, I demand even more of her every day... We train in some form or fashion every day without fail... It might be something very small (as in how to walk and move around small 3-4 pounders) or to test new rescued dogs for aggression...
A hard thing for Momma to learn was "UP"... And because she is so big, I refuse to lift her into my truck... I can't tell you the number of times I stood outside the truck, resetting her over and over again as folks watched me trying to convince Momma to jump up into the cab...
Most people get embarrassed when their dogs don't listen to them... Not me (well, most times)... I just keep at it until the dog gets it... After all, I'm 55 years old now and there are still many things I STILL don't get (i.e. why young men wear their britches down on their thighs and their under-drawers are sticking out above)...
But along with all the teaching and learning, Momma gives me some hearty belly laughs, grins and giggles just about every day I spend with her...
Every morning I am one of those odd folks that watch my dogs poop... It is the quickest way I know to make sure everyone is on schedule and healthy, ya know?... Once business is taken care of, the Chihuahuas tend to immediately go to the loungers and climb up, content to bask in the warm morning sun...
We have a big ole June bug that got his calendar screwed up somehow... And it never fails... As soon as he sees everyone is sunbathing, that old June bug (who should be gone now as it the end of August) makes a direct line to buzz Momma... She's not quick enough on her feet to catch him, but she always springs up into action... "NO bug is gonna come into MY yard and head buzz me!" is what she seems to say... Momma's not fast, but more like a tractor trailer - once she slowly switches up through the various gears, she is a power to be reconciled with!... (LOL)....
Up she jumps and goes into her 'Momma dance'... It is as awkward as a new colt's first steps... Sometimes she makes it up gracefully - most times she does not... And by the time she's up and going? Junie, the June Bug is LONG gone...
But she's on the hunt, searching for him all throughout the back yard... Finally she gives up, goes back to her place in the sun, lays down and continues to enjoy her day... Within seconds of this? Out comes Junie again, dive-bombing Momma's head - and the process starts ALL over again!... It can go on for 30-45 minutes some mornings!
And if I actually laugh aloud? Momma gives me this quizzically look - "Mom, what are you laughing at?" kind of thing - which just makes me laugh even harder at her!... I truly don't see Momma ever catching Junie and I'd be sorry if she did, for it guarantees to give me one belly laugh every time I get the joy of experiencing it all!
Yes, I love my Momma and all the joy she has brought into my life... She taught me many things already about life and love that I hadn't thought about... And the true meaning of unconditional love, loyalty and devotion... How many of us are blessed with that in their lives?

I love Momma too. Whenever she sees me, she makes a run to greet me with her tail wagging. Momma is so smart and I swear, almost human. She has so much love in her heart, I'm afraid it's going to explode. What a beauty she is.