Next time you are in your favorite pet shop doing for your own little furbaby, think of TLC and then drop it off at the rescue shop as you pass by... The puppies will LOVE you for it and we thank you in advance!
Cow hooves - odd thing (and maybe some folks are offended) but for puppies cutting their tiny teeth and chewing on everything in sight, this is an ideal tool to get the teeth through quickly and in turn, the swelling and uncomfortable pain is lessened.
Pitty pads as we call them... at times we go through a lot of these. We're not picky - we'll take any brand or amount!
Puppy chew toys - At a certain point of being chewed on, we throw them away once they have sharp edges. So we go through a lot of puppy chew toys around here!
Puppy collars - We prefer to use the snap kind simply because they are safer with rowdy howdy puppies. Sizes from 6" up to 10" are the ones we use the most of.
Wet puppy food - We buy this by the case! And then some! We like Wellness Puppy in the can, but as long as it is a high quality wet puppy food, we'll take it!
Milk Replacer - We buy this in the large can and our nursing moms get it as well, so we go through a lot of this...
Again, even if it is one can of wet puppy food, we deeply appreciate the help and donations. It is not unusual for us to have more than one litter at the rescue shop at any given time and besides being a LOT of poop and piddle, that is a LOT of puppy supplies that are used up all the time!
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