About a week or so ago, I set a kennel down on the patio enroute to something else, and I noticed that Felix liked hanging out in it... So I threw an old bathroom rug inside of it as a temporary measure so he was not laying on a kennel floor and bare block patio floor... That lasted for just a few days until one of the puppies got ahold of it and ripped it into pieces... sigh...

And sure as sugar, within a few minutes Felix wandered back inside of it and laid down - content once again... One of his favorite playing buds immediately crawled inside with him and I remember my first apartment times... Calling up friends and inviting them over as I was a "big girl now with my own digs"... "Hey, why don't you come over and we'll watch some TV and talk, or watch a movie?"...
One friend would tell another friend and when I thought I had enough cheese dip and crackers for our 'party', more people would show up unexpectingly! You have been there, right? You end up trying to be the 'hostess with the mostest' and all you really wanted to do was not be alone on a Sunday afternoon with nothing to do!...

I got that same feeling as I watched Felix enjoying his new 'digs'... One friend arrived, and then another... What fit fine with just him became OK with one friend... The second friend made things a bit cramped and uncomfortable, but Felix was still doing his best to enjoy his new space with his two buds...
And then a BIG friend showed up and Felix just wasn't having it!... LOL..."Enough already... I was doing fine here Berlin, and then she brought a friend, but Frisco, you are just too darn big for my comfy new space!... You are ouutttttTTAAAAA HERE!"

As I'm snapping photos of the events as they unfolded with my iPhone and Felix is reminding Frisco just WHOSE new digs this really was, it really did cause me to LOL...
That sound got everyone's attention... Felix paused for just a few seconds and then decided he did indeed crash the party... He had an about face and decided there were other things in the backyard more interesting to pursue... The two 'party girls' then left as well, and Felix settled in to TRULY enjoy his Sunday afternoon in his nice, clean, comfy special spot all by himself! Yes, we can always relate to our dogs and fosters - it is a sideline benefit of rescue we all enjoy!
~~ Linda
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