Faith just turned 6 weeks this weekend and she's gotten her first puppy shots, which went fine. She's also 2 lb, 2 oz now and like all four puppies, is just a ball of fluff! They're eating solid food now and are using the pitty pad pretty regularly without too many accidents off of it. Jayda has been a phenomenal mom, but she's ready for these puppies to go on solid foods 100% of the time!

Although Joy looks bigger than the other puppies, she's all fluff and actually only weighs 2 pounds! She's been the quiet one in the litter, preferring to sleep in most mornings, hang out in the afternoons and is usually the last one to the food dish! For being as quiet as she is, the other morning, she found her 'voice'... She was the first one in the litter to do the 'wolf howl' (head back, snout up and howling)... The first time she did it, she stopped, looked about and then thought about it, scared herself and jumped... A few seconds later, she did it again (did she not realize she herself had howled???) and IMMEDIATELY jumped to the side, frightened about the sound she herself created!

Hope continues to be the most photogenic in the litter, always willing to sit and pose for you without moving about too much... She's the cuddler in the crew and at 2 pounds also, she's not opposed to being at the bottom of any puppy dog pile!

Last, but not the least, Justice also weighs 2 pounds now, but she's got double that in attitude!... She's the first to explore a dog dish, first to pounce on any new toy, first to find mom and it appears she's the alpha (so far) in the litter... She's in charge and isn't afraid to let you know it either! Justice is still retaining that darker coloring around her right eye like Petey in the "Little Rascals" and of all the puppies, Justice reminds me the most of her mom (Jayda).
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